sábado, 10 de dezembro de 2011

Old Stuff (Final)

Well hello again, since i got mysefl some free time i decided to post some more old drawings here for you too see, here they are:

So both of the drawing above are covers from one of my favorite manga, Berserk, from Kentaru Miura, of the manga artists that i respect the most, simple love his work, so, since i like his series this much i covered two characters, and old man smoking from a waterpipe, his name, if i can recall correctly was Daiba, a character that takes part in the Kushan saga, great story, worth reading, the whole series.
The second character is Guts, the main character, he has a wiked story line, and a trully harsh life, in my opinion Guts might be one of the most well constructed characters in all the mangas i read.

And these two, well these two, if you haven't noticed, form a big one, but an A3 doesn't fit in the scanner.
This work was supposed to be a compilation of my favorite characters, or the main ones, trough the mangas i've read or the animes i've seen, it's far from finished though, it's missing a serious amount of characters from other mangas/animes.

Thats all for these old drawings, these were the few i selected, i've got more, but i don't feel confortable with how some came out, or i just don't like them so i won't post them here anytime soon, or maybe never, lets say these were my best. Hope you like them, if you did, share this with the world, give me some publicity, might be useful in the future when i drop out of college and need a job...

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